Box of Pandora - Advertising Artwork
The Box

The Box

Close-up #1

Close-up #1

Close-up #2

Close-up #2

Close-up #3

Close-up #3

Close-up #4

Close-up #4

Box of Pandora - Advertising Artwork

Brushes, Prints & more:
This is an older piece from 2017.
It was an interesting assignment.
1 Of 3 In a brand campaign for RiskAnalytics, a Cyber Security company. We paid homage to Sun Tsu’s “The Art of War,” with “The Art of Security.”
“The Art of Security” gave us the freedom to show artistic depictions of deception, trickery, and attacks — real or imagined — throughout time. A concept with legs for miles, and one that caught on and spread like wildfire throughout the company.

There were many different tools and resources used such as my own stock images and unrestricted stock from various sources as also 3D- Design and creation in Zbrush and rendering in Keyshot plus post-processing in Photoshop.

The Art Direction was led by the core team of Ad-Agency Tyger the Lion.

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