Heavy Metal Thunder - Book Cover Art
Cover without text

Cover without text

Initial Sketch

Initial Sketch

Detailed Sketch and concept for the jetpack

Detailed Sketch and concept for the jetpack

Cover with title  text

Cover with title text

W.I.P. Shot

W.I.P. Shot

Detail Shot

Detail Shot

Heavy Metal Thunder - Book Cover Art

Brushes, Prints & more: https://www.arsfantasio.de
This is an older piece, a cover project for Kyle B. Stiff. The book is an interesting project where the reader has the choice to change the outcome of the story. Moe information here: https://www.amazon.com/Heavy-Metal-Thunder-ebook/dp/B005HFHLFU

The main character "Cromulus" is a mix of El Topo and Rasputin type of persona and a soldier, nicely packaged in a black-armor, equipped with pretty archaic weaponry and a jetpack on his lonesome journey through outer space.

There are some images that show the process from pencil sketch to final rendering in Photoshop.


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