A not so new painting based on the concept of the „Ancient Kaiju Project“. Did this one before the end of last year, initially inspired by my daughter playing Fortnite every now and then and I really wanted to do something with it - so the crashed Battle Bus was my preferred target because imho that is the only thing unique to the game ;)
In case you are not familiar with the game; The Battle Bus is usually an aerial vehicle in Battle Royale that transports players to the Battle Royale Island at the beginning of every match. So having that one crashed down and forsaken is a nice use of Pastiche & Mashup that I like to play with. If you want to use this as a meme, go ahead ;)
Over the past few months I found this piece has become more of a personal critique about Artstation and Epic as a whole, considering how they deal with community issues. But that is another thing, I hope you can enjoy this painting as part of the series ;)