Mystic in the Desert after Kramskoi
Mystic in the Desert

Mystic in the Desert

Compositional Direction Limits

Compositional Direction Limits

Enclosures to draw the eyes

Enclosures to draw the eyes

Original from Ivan Kramskoi 1872

Original from Ivan Kramskoi 1872

Mystic in the Desert after Kramskoi

Brushes, Prints & more:
Managed to finalize this painting of the Mystic from the Dark Crystal that I had started earlier this year. It is based on a painting of Christ by Ivan Kramskoi from 1872.

I learned a lot by this re-paint, changed the complete aspect ratio and focused on elliptic enclosures, the floating stones in the foreground underline a good starting point for the outer elliptic enclosure.

Actually I found the Mystic and Christ have a lot in common and I found it fitting to go with that direction, without being too much cliché. Thinking about this further it would make sense to do a painting of SkekMal the Hunter, UrVa's counterpart.

In the post there are also some composition screenshots that show the directional Gamut I used and the circular enclosures on which I built in order to replace the Jesus-Figure which is more like a vertical egg-shape if you draw a circular enclosure on that.

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