Brushes, Prints & more:
Managed to finalize this painting of the Mystic from the Dark Crystal that I had started earlier this year. It is based on a painting of Christ by Ivan Kramskoi from 1872.
I learned a lot by this re-paint, changed the complete aspect ratio and focused on elliptic enclosures, the floating stones in the foreground underline a good starting point for the outer elliptic enclosure.
Actually I found the Mystic and Christ have a lot in common and I found it fitting to go with that direction, without being too much cliché. Thinking about this further it would make sense to do a painting of SkekMal the Hunter, UrVa's counterpart.
In the post there are also some composition screenshots that show the directional Gamut I used and the circular enclosures on which I built in order to replace the Jesus-Figure which is more like a vertical egg-shape if you draw a circular enclosure on that.